Posted by Unknown | Labels: TECH TIPS | Posted On Friday, October 14, 2011 at 10/14/2011 04:31:00 AM
How to remove color from behind desktop icon text:
For windows XP and Vista
1. Right click on the My Computer, select properties.
2. Click on the Advanced Tab ( as shown in the image below ).
3. Click the on the Settings button, you will see a new window showing numerous number of options related to the GUI of windows. ( as shown in the image below).
4. As highlighted in the image above make sure to check the box which says “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop“. and click Ok 2 times.
5. That’s it ! Done.
For windows XP and Vista
1. Right click on the My Computer, select properties.
2. Click on the Advanced Tab ( as shown in the image below ).
3. Click the on the Settings button, you will see a new window showing numerous number of options related to the GUI of windows. ( as shown in the image below).
4. As highlighted in the image above make sure to check the box which says “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop“. and click Ok 2 times.
5. That’s it ! Done.
How to add Share Buttons on Blogger
Posted by Unknown | Labels: BLOG TRICKS | Posted On Friday, October 7, 2011 at 10/07/2011 11:46:00 PM
Image Widget for Blogget
Posted by Unknown | Labels: BLOG TRICKS | Posted On Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 8/07/2011 11:38:00 PM
about adiWidget™
adiWidget™ is the pioneer for the static corner image widget for blogger. Developed since September 2007, the idea is now has been used by many other web developer. Instead of static png image, you can now add flash and gif image format in every corner of your blog. But the position of the image is still remain static at the corner of your page. It can be used to give the mood of your web with any image that you want. All of the items here are FREE! So, enjoy then... It is advised that you use the latest browser i.e IE7 and Firefox. adiWidget™ is not compatible with IE6 or below. Please READ the TUTORIAL if you want to know how to apply adiWidget™ in your site. If you have any questions, want to contribute images for adiWidget™ or anything personally, you are welcome to e-mail at adiwira[at]
Etv Adhurs - Multi-Talent Reality Show Episode
Posted by Unknown | Labels: VIDEOS | Posted On Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 6/25/2011 09:18:00 PM
Posted by Unknown | Labels: GAMES | Posted On Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 6/04/2011 09:14:00 PM
NASSCOM Assessment of Competence-Technology(NAC-Tech)
Posted by Unknown | Labels: STUDENT ZONE | Posted On Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 5/17/2011 02:38:00 AM
NAC-Tech Sample Papers:
The test suite recommended for NAC, assesses various skill sets and abilities of a candidate.
These skill sets are Speaking, Listening, Writing, Keyboard usage, Learning Ability and Analytical
and Quantitative Reasoning.
This Spoken English Test is for duration of 25 minutes. This test measures the candidates’ abilityto communicate in English that is comprehensible by others. Candidate will first be asked to reada passage for duration of about 5 minutes. This passage will be a short story or a write up andwill be made available as a hard copy or can also be a computer based one. It depends on themode of test administration. The candidate will then be asked to speak on a topic that will besimilar (if not the same) to the ones mentioned below:
- “My biggest goal in life”
- “My dream vacation”
- “If there is one thing you would change in this world, what would you change?”
(Note: The above mentioned topics are only a sample list and need not necessarily be the same).
There will be a sentence reading and word repetition exercise for 10 minutes. Candidates willhave to read the sentences and the words aloud.
The candidates will be assessed on the following parameters;
Voice Clarity, Accent, Fluency and Grammar and Prosody. The parameters are defined below:
There will be a sentence reading and word repetition exercise for 10 minutes. Candidates willhave to read the sentences and the words aloud.
The candidates will be assessed on the following parameters;
Voice Clarity, Accent, Fluency and Grammar and Prosody. The parameters are defined below:
- Voice Clarity: This parameter evaluates the clarity of the test taker’s voice. Voice Clarityis influenced by five features – rate of speech (RoS), presence of speech defects (lisp,stammer etc), volume of the test taker’s speech, enunciation & pitch.
- Accent: This parameter evaluates the degree of Mother Tongue Influence (MTI) on thetest taker’s accent.
- Fluency: This parameter evaluates the ease with which the test taker constructssentences, and the range of words that the test taker employs in constructing sentences.
- Grammar: This parameter evaluates the grammatical correctness of the test taker’sspeech & focuses on the correct usage of verb forms (tenses & SVA), prepositions,articles, plurals & other grammatical items.
- Prosody: This parameter assesses the syllable stress and intonation that a person useswhile speaking. It basically means if the right syllable is being stressed upon during aspeech. For eg. if a person is enquiring about something, the stress is to be laid so that it sounds like an enquiry.
The total duration of this test will be of 25 minutes, which includes the preparation time of 5minutes for the candidate. Trained evaluators will assess the candidates telephonically on the
Mode of administration:
This test can be administered in the following ways:
This test is used to measure comprehension of spoken English in a neutral accent. Conversation
in neutral English will played online followed by questions which the candidates can answer
online. This test is usually of 25 minutes duration.
Mode of administration:
This section supports online mode of administration.
This test can be administered in the following ways:
- Computer Based Test (CBT): Candidates will wear headsets with microphones. The passage will appear on the computer screen and the candidate has to read out the passage into the microphone so that the voice gets recorded. This will be followed by the Impromptu wherein a list of topics will appear on the computer screen. The candidate hasto choose a topic and speak into the microphone. This will be followed by sentences andwords that the candidate has to repeat.
- Off line mode: This is a face-to-face or Offline mode of administration. The same process as explained above will be repeated but in front of an assessor/evaluator. The passage, sentences and words will be given in hard copy format to the candidate, which the candidate has to read out aloud. The evaluator will score the candidate.
- Telephonic mode: The assessor/evaluator will telephonically evaluate the candidate.The candidate will speak into a speaker phone/hand phone. A test administrator will givethe passages, topics, words and sentences to the candidate in hard copy format.
This test is used to measure comprehension of spoken English in a neutral accent. Conversation
in neutral English will played online followed by questions which the candidates can answer
online. This test is usually of 25 minutes duration.
Mode of administration:
This section supports online mode of administration.
- ONLINE: This section contains of two parts: Part A short conversations; and Part B longerconversations and talks. You will use individually controlled headphones to listen to the test. Aftereach conversation the question will appear on the screen and the candidate will have to choosethe appropriate option.
- OFFLINE: In this mode, the conversations are played on CD Player/Tape Recorder. Thequestions and options are in hard copy format which the candidates have to mark after eachconversation is played
The Written English Test (WET) is used in two forms. First, it is in the form of multiple choicequestions, where candidates will attempt questions on Grammar, Reading Comprehension,Vocabulary. This test is designed to measure a candidate’s ability to comprehend and usewords/vocabulary appropriately and correctly. Emphasis is given to usage a technical context. Itincludes Reading Comprehension, Grammar (Preposition, Synonyms, Articles). The test is of amultiple choice question format. The second part of WET is designed to assess a test taker’swritten English skills. It addresses the topics like Word Usage, Contextual Relevance, Spellingand Punctuation. Each of these tests is of duration of 20 minutes.
Mode of administration:
The test can be administered both online or paper/pencil mode
The test can be administered both online or paper/pencil mode
The test can be administered both online or paper/pencil mode
The test can be administered both online or paper/pencil mode
- Learning Ability:The Learning Ability Test is designed to evaluate a person’s ability to learn technology. TheLearning ability test assesses the ability of Test Takers to read, understand and apply new concept in a given context. The Test construct is as follows,
- The test takers are presented with a passage of 500 – 600 words on a new technologyarea.
- Test takers are allowed 10 minutes to read this passage.
- The test taker has to respond to questions based on this passage.
The test can be administered both online or paper/pencil mode
- Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning:This section of the test consists of questions to test analytical ability and the quantitative aptitude of a candidate. The Analytical Ability Test is designed to measure a candidate’s ability to comprehend and interpret a system of relations (data) and/to arrive at certain conclusions. This test addresses various topics like Inductive and deductive logic, Pattern recognition, series completion, etc. The quantitative reasoning part tests a candidate in areas like Percentages, Averages, Profit and Loss. The test is of a multiple choice question format with time duration of 30 minutes.
The test can be administered both online or paper/pencil mode
- Key board Skills: This section checks if the candidate is comfortable in using the keyboard and also if the candidate can enter data into fields accurately. The test has two parts, namely Free-flow and Data Entry. The free-flow version allows the candidate to replicate a passage in the given time. It assesses the candidate on speed and accuracy. Score reported would be on Net Speed, which is the average of speed and accuracy. The Data Entry version allows the candidate to type alphanumeric content into text fields provided. Candidate is assessed on accuracy also. The duration of this test is of 5 minutes. Mode of administration: This is purely a Computer Based Test.
NAC-Tech Sample Papers:
Posted by Unknown | Labels: BLOG TRICKS, TECH TIPS | Posted On Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 4/16/2011 09:18:00 AM
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GET PAID FOR SHARING videos,pictures,blog posts at FLIXYA
Posted by Unknown | Labels: EARNING | Posted On Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 2/12/2011 08:41:00 AM
Flixya is a social networking website in every sense. But it’s different from most of the paying social networks out there which p
ays you a percentage of their revenue. On Flixya you keep the 100% of your revenue!! Flixya doesn’t pay anyone, but allow users to add their Google Adsense ads on the pages owned by the respective users. And users keep all the earnings generated by those ads themselves. (Sign up and there will be a link just below the menu which helps you to set up your Adsense)
How Adsense works on Flixya:
After setting up your Google Adsense successfully, Flixya will display your ads on your pages. ‘Your pages’ means the pages which contains your videos, photos and blogs.
You can directly upload photos and write blog posts on Flixya. But Flixya doesn’t have a video upload service until now, instead they allow us to embed videos from almost all popular video sharing websites (YouTube,Google Video, Veoh, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Revver etc.) which makes it even easier to create video pages on Flixya.
Share, share and share again!
It’s all about sharing. The more you share, you’ll have more pages which gives you more chance for getting some clicks and bucks. So all you have to do is to embed some great videos, upload some awesome pictures and write some killer blog posts everyday to get some real bucks from Flixya. For me, Flixya didn’t worked well for a long time! but when I put some real effort, the results where much better and Flixya earnings where reflected on my total earnings.
Taking benefits from Flixya without an Adsense account
I was banned from Google Adsense some time ago (because I accidently crossed their TOS, it was due to my lack of knowledge about the program then and I’ve read their TOS and all other stuff on how they works, after getting banned!!). But I still use Flixya and also pull out some benefits from them. I’ve written a post on ‘Get paid sharing videos on Revver’ and you can make use of Flixya to generate more earnings on Revver (you don’t need an Adsense account on Revver). All you have to do is to embed videos from Revver to Flixya (make sure to enter your ‘Revver Affiliate ID’ while embedding Revver videos on Flixya). So now you’ll get more views on your Revver videos via Flixya, which will gives you more ad impressions and ultimately more earnings on Revver. Anyway, this will not give you high income on Revver, but if you consider it seriously, you can easily add a few more buck in your Revver account at the end of the month.
Happy sharing, happy earning :)
Earn upto Rs. 9,000 pm with!
Posted by Unknown | Labels: EARNING | Posted On at 2/12/2011 07:57:00 AM
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PaisaLive - Get Paid to read emails
Posted by Unknown | Labels: SOFTWARES | Posted On Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 1/22/2011 04:48:00 AM
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